Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)

Inventory includes a Teledyne RDI Sentinel V100 ADCP with both monitor and battery housing. This makes us able to perform boat-mounted ADCP surveys, such as investigate the flow pattern and strength of the tidal current at a specified area. We are also able to perform stationary bottom-mounted ADCP measurements to acquire higher quality data for current speed and direction, turbulence characteristics and wave statistics.

Under water inspection

In our inventory we have a 6 DOF inspection ROV with a manipulator arm. Our ROV is well suited for a variety of operations such as: aquaculture installations/net pen inspections, dam wall inspections, sea cables and pipelines inspections, ship hull inspections and harbour inspections. Our ROV is also well suited for search and recovery operations.

Computer simulation

Our Ocean Engineers are qualified  and certified to run a variety of computational simulation software. In computational fluid dynamics (CFD) we are capable to perform simulations using following software packages
•     ANSYS Fluent
•     OpenFOAM
•     MIKE 21 & MIKE 3

We are also capable of performing finite element method (FEM) simulations using ANSYS Mechanical. This makes us very qualified to perform Fluid structure interaction (FSI) simulations. For processing of data we use Matlab and ParaView.

Other services

We cooperate with a wide variety of international experts, which makes us able to provide additional services such as Multibeam bathymetry surveys and sub-bottom profiling among several other services.
Do not hesitate to contact us for your specific task or requirements.

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